Sunday, August 16, 2009

More news about the hotel in Bristol

Note to self: When traveling to the UK, ask if the Hotel is "Room Only". I'm currently located in a Business Park area. Brick paved roads, well manicured flora surrounding office buildings. Just like any Business Park area one could imagine in Overland Park KS. But who would have known that there is such a thing as "Room Only" accomodations?

My associates in KC told me to stay at the Aztec. My UK associates told me to save money and stay at "Lodge on the Park". Being a good employee I selected the Lodge. Both are on the same road, in fact they share the same driveway.

After finding out there were no restaurants close by I asked about "delivery". That was met with a blank stare. I asked again and was told to check across the street at the Aztec.

The clerk at the Aztec was very helpful, but there was not much in the way of options except for Domino Pizza. By this time I would have ate Skunk. She gave me the number and away I went back across the brick paved street to my room.

I returned to my room, dialed the number and guess what? I was connected back to the hotel operator. Seems I'm staying at a "room only" establishment. Which means no way to make outbound calls. Even though they have iNet, their phone system only works internally.
So I went back to Starbucks / Hotel Desk and asked if I could use the phone to order Domino Pizza delivery. There was a long pause. "OK, but just tonight". "What?" She continued "our restaurant serves Pizza, but since we are closed tonight I will allow you to order from Domino delivery." "Can I have them deliver here and you call me when it arrives?" "No" she said "I can not call your room."

So I ran over to the Aztec, explained my situation and the clerk let me use the phone to place my order. Then I was faced with the language problem. I could not for the life of me understand what the person on the other end of the phone was saying. I turned the phone over to the clerk and asked if she would "translate for me". I asked "Is he speaking English?" She smiled and said "yes.". Order placed. The clerk said "I'll call your room when he arrives." OK I thought I'm not going to die of starvation.

Back to my room. Then I thought...if the clerk at the Lodge can not call my room how can the clerk at the Aztec? I put on my shoes and headed down the stairs, opened the door and there was the Domino delivery guy. I had to run back to my room to get 15 Pounds, pay the delivery guy and then back to Aztec to let the clerk know I had my pizza.
So now, after I finish typing this, I'm going to eat.

Here are a couple of pics. One is the outside of the Lodge and the other is looking down the hallway with all the lights on. They are on motion detectors as I mentioned earlier.

PS: Pizza was delicious.

1 comment:

  1. That hallway carpet would drive me crazy. Just looking at it now makes me think I may have a seizure if I don't leave this page sooooooonnnn....

