Sunday, August 16, 2009

Hotel in Bristol

There is a lot more room in this hotel than the one in London.

But it is missing some key elements. For one, no Ice Machine. I have to go to the restaurant/check-in counter combo which is a Starbucks. No electric adaptors available. However the hotel next door is owned by the same company, and they had adaptors.

The hotel is located away from everything. The closest grocery store is a 20 min walk. Restaurant options are out of the question and the one here at the hotel is closed on Sunday. But never fear, the hotel next door which is also a SPA has a restaurant that I'm sure will do just fine.

When I first entered the room I looked for the thermostat. There isn't one. Panic. Then I saw the fan sitting on the table (click the pic and look at the left corner). I realized there was no AC. The heater is a wall heater located by the door. My concerns were quickly relived after I reminded myself that this was Bristol. Temperature outside was mid 60's and falling. I may end up turning on the heater before the night is over.

This is a very new facility. It is immaculately clean. And it is VERY GREEN. The lights in the hallway are controlled by motion detectors. The staff are all young and very enthusiastic about their business.

The bathroom is very nice. But what I don't understand is that the towel rack (see pic) has a wire that connects to the wall. A sign on the rack states
"The appliance must be Earthed". I take that to mean 'Grounded". But why?

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